Reflection #2 - PHPC 107: Metaphysics
September 28, 2020 For the past meetings, we have been talking about William Desmond’s ideas with regards to Metaphysics. We were discussing on what it means to be, i.e. the question of Being. It is said that in order to accomplish the study of Being as much as it is, the human spirit has the pure desire to know as he confronts the presence of Being. This reminds me of the relationship between God and a demonically possessed, infested, or oppressed individual. From the book that I read entitled Exorcism by Fr. Jose Francisco ‘Jocis’ Syquia, he accounts there some cases of possession/oppression and how a demoniac becomes liberated from such spiritual attack. There, he states that the deliverance/exorcism only becomes successful if the victim is willing to be healed, i.e. has the pure desire to love God, to know Him more, and renounce his/her own sinful ways. It could be likened to that of accomplishing the study of Being, to have the pure desire to know to have an effectiv